Routine for Chronic Pain

A student asked me what I do for my neck’s chronic pain.
The key to relieving pain in the joints is daily movement and breath work. However, many people go in to yoga with no knowledge of FORM. In my Mon/Wed night classes, I take it slow, more of an Iyengar approach, to focus on form and restorative practices so the neck can avoid strain and the body can learn to align correctly to avoid further injury and further pain in other joints.
I’ve designed a program for myself depending on my level of pain:
HIGH PAIN and HIGH JOINT STIFFNESS – Restorative Yoga, Meditation, ice, heat, peppermint oil or biofreeze, tennis ball massages
Cross train LEGS with bands or light weights (By strengthening another body part, it teaches the neck to not compensate for lack of strength in other areas)
MID PAIN and MID JOINT STIFFNESS - Iyengar Yoga, ice, heat, tennis ball massages
Cross train ARMS with bands/light weights but NO WEIGHT BEARING EXERCISES such as pull-ups, push-ups, or planks
***Weight bearing exercises can cause pain to the neck if the shoulders, back, and arms are weak !!! If weak in those areas, the neck will tighten and grip.
Crosstrain shoulders, back, and neck with light weights, bands, and pushups with knees down and assisted pull-ups. Apply 10 min ice, 10 min heat after cross training. Heat and tennis ball massage before bed.
I taught a more intense vinyasa flow yoga class today. It’s good to do someeee vinyasa flow because the heat from all those vinyasa’s creates more JOINT MOBILITY. However, always listen to your body. It’s better to skip the “push-up” part if your neck is flaring up or starting to grip.
I know many people are really against pills, but if you’re standing all day and are constantly inflamed, you need to find something that you can re-apply during the day to stop the inflammation. 
So if taking ibuprofen before and after work is not an option, then I’d recommend finding oils that help.
Biofreeze is basically like IcyHot, except, just the Icy part and it permeates deeper into the skin. It does WONDERS if your neck starts to feel burning or heated sensations. However, it can cause muscles to tense.
I’ve found that the sides of my neck do best with peppermint oil, and the back of my neck loves biofreeze.
Peppermint oil is great throughout the day. It rids of inflammation and relaxes the muscles.
Honestly, just experiment with which one feels better, and take note of WHY it felt good at a certain for a specific type of pain that you felt.
Think of ice like biofreeze, and heat like peppermint oil.
Ice tenses up the muscles, but takes away inflammation
Heat relaxes the muscles and provides more joint mobility.
Some people will tell you “always end with ice,” but those people most likely do not have chronic pain…
When my neck is in HIGH PAIN, ice is my best friend. When my HIGH JOINT STIFFNESS in the neck, heat is my best friend.
Sometimes, when i’m in HIGH PAIN, and HIGH JOINT STIFFNESS, it feels great to first put ice for 10 min, then heat for 10 min because the ice will calm the inflammation and tense up the muscles, and the sudden touch of heat relaxes them completely.
It’s going to take me a few days to post my routine, but I’ll post it on my blog ASAP! 
Yoga teachers tend to switch the focus of each class. So some classes you’ll take might be more flow when your body wants a restorative class. Or some might focus on arm balances when your neck is flared up.
ALWAYS TELL THE YOGA INSTRUCTOR about whatever body part is bothering you that day so they can give you a yummy class that will feel good in your body. 
For my body, I have a 15 min routine for the morning, 30-1 hour routine at night, and a regular yoga practice plus cross-training with weights 3-5 times a week depending on how my neck feels. On top of this, I still go to physical therapy 2 to 3 times a week. 
There is hope for coping with chronic pain <33333 If you have any questions just ask :)
P. S. 
Finding a comfortable and supported sleeping posture will also benefit your joints !!!

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