Tagged twists

Restorative Yoga

I took a restorative yoga class tonight with Dani Ibarra at YogaWorks Valencia.
I was pretty much ready to take a nap afterwards. It was amazing.

The whole class was at the wall and consisted of 4-5 poses with the lights dimmed, almost dark.

1st pose: Relaxation pose.

Place 1 block at the tallest level for your head.

Another block at the medium level for your ribs right above the shoulder blades.

Lie a bolster on top of these blocks.

Fold a blanket in half, and drape it over the bolster as a pillow for your head.

Fold two blankets into squares for your arms. Place the blankets to the sides of the bolster.

And roll a blanket to be placed underneath your knees.

Lie down on the bolster, extend your legs forward and place the rolled up blanket underneath your knees. Adjust the square blankets for underneath your arms. Snuggle the ends of the blanket draped on the top of the bolster around your head like a little nest.

Close your eyes. Stay for 8-10 min.

2nd pose: Spinal twist.

Move the square blankets aside (the ones your arms were laying on.)

Have the R side of your torso face the bolster, knees bent. Inhale elongate, exhale turn your torso to face the bolster and lay down for a twist. Your head can be to the right or left – looking to the left will be a greater twist, but be careful of your spine is tight or your neck is tender.

Stay for 8 min. Repeat on L side.

3rd pose: Hip opener.

Either: Sit cross legged. Place a block, bolster or block on top of a bolster in front of you. Extend your torso forward and have your forehead rest on the block or bolster.

Hold for 8 min, switch cross of legs other side.

***If your knees hurt…

Open your legs into a V-shape. Extend torso forward, rest forehead on props.

4th pose: Assisted bridge pose.

Face the wall.

Place a blanket to the extent of your mat.

Place two blocks at medium height against the wall for your feet (the blocks should be touching each other short side to short side)

Prepare a loop in a strap about the width of your hip bones for your thighs.

Fold a blanket for your head. (may or may not use)

Lie down. Bend your knees. Place the strap around your thighs.

Take bridge pose. Place the bolster underneath your tailbone. Extend your legs so your feet press into the wall and are lying on top of the blocks.

If you want, you can place the blanket underneath your head.

Stay for 8 min.

5th pose: Legs up the wall (Savasana variation)

Place a folded blanket by the wall.

Take legs up the wall, but, make sure your bum (the cheeks to be exact…) are off of the blanket.

The blanket should be placed more by the tailbone, up to the frontal ribs.

Stay for 10 min.


TEACHING FOCUS: How to Properly Twist


Twists are extremely good for your spine and organs because of their SQUEEZING and SOAKING action. They SQUEEZE out toxins through the compression of your internal organs, and allow your organs to then SOAK in nutrients.


It’s crucial to have proper form when twisting because if done incorrectly, you can pull a muscle in your back or hurt your spine.

  1. Inhale and elongate your spine. You must create SPACE before twisting to keep the length of the spine. No crunching!!
  2. As you exhale, engage your core and twist from the inside out!!! Initiate the twist from your organs. This is crucial.

“the most common cause of injuries in yoga practitioners is moving the musculoskeletal system farther than the underlying organs can support.” (p.159 Yoga Mind, Body, & Spirit by Donna Farhi)


It’s important to warm up the shoulders, spine, and hips before twisting to avoid injury. Tonight, to warm up, we did some easy spinal circles in a seated position and Cat Cow in a seated position to warm up the back, and opened up our shoulders with Eagle Arms and CowFace Arms.





A few of the twists we did in class were:

Cross Legged Twist

Cross Legged Twist

Eagle Arms with Twist

Marichi’s Pose


@shannenrobertsyoga on insta :)

Child’s Pose Twist

Warrior 2 (twist in upper body)

Triangle Pose

*PEAK POSE* Leg on the wall with an upper body twist


To prep for our peak pose, we did many hamstring stretches such as dynamically lunging and then straightening the leg, Half Sun Salutations to fully warm up the body, and Triangle Pose.

I hope this helps clarify twists :) Email me or comment on my instagram @shannenrobertsyoga if you have questions !!

—For anyone interested in their twisting form, and for my Wednesday 8PM LA Fit Valencia students xox