I am too Skinny, I am too Small

Ads promoting “being body proud” tend to feature plus-sized women.

However, many women, believe it or not, feel they are too skinny.

I am that skinny girl that so many people have looked at and said, “wow, I wish I could be as tiny as you!”
And all I’ve ever wanted was to be overall BIGGER.

1. I felt fragile being so skinny

2. I felt vulnerable, like anything and anyone could hurt me

3. Let’s talk about dance class and tights and how small thatttt made me feel.

And for all the people that says it’s easy to gain weight, for some people it’s as hard as losing weight.

Two years ago, I weighed 114. Lifting 1 pound laterally was heavy, pouring milk into my cereal was a mission, and carrying my 50 pound keyboard to shows was an impossible joke. I also ate practically nothing, and just did yoga everyday.

Today, I weight 125. I bicep curl 17.5 at the gym, squat 115 with the smyth machine, and can do 20 military pushups. I can now hold confidently hold vasistasana and feel safe that my upper-body will support me with handstand at the wall.

I am skinny, I am small, and I am body proud.

May 2014. Before I got arthritis.






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